
Do I need to change the lamps and have them serviced annually ?


There are no lamps to change and the floodlight should last in excess of 50,000 hours. The LED floodlights are maintenance free but we would suggest cleaning the lens and checking the fixing bolts every five years. All SportPro LED floodlights come with a five year warranty.


How many LED floodlights will I need and how much energy will I save ?


It depends upon the size and specification of pitch / court. For example :- A Class 3, 100lux bowling green will require the following :- 8 x SportPro LED 300-30 300w floodlights mounted two per corner on 8m masts. Energy savings:- LED system will use 2.4Kw of electricity HID system will use 4.4Kw of electricity A saving of approximately 45%. A tennis court to minimum LTA requirements of 500lux with a 0.7 uniformity will require the following :- 6 x TennisPro LED 500 floodlights. Energy savings:- LED system will use 3Kw of electricity HID system will use 6.6Kw of electricity A saving of approximately 55%. A football pitch to FA standards of 200lux with a 0.6 uniformity will require the following :- 24 x SportPro LED 1000-20, 1000w floodlights. mounted equally over eight, 15m masts. Energy savings:- LED system will use 24Kw of electricity HID system will use 38.4Kw of electricity A saving of approximately 40%.


How well do these LED floodlight control light spillage ?
When used with our light spillage guard the light spillage will be kept to a minimum with a controlled shut off point allowing you to keep the light off the neighbours and surrounding area.
SportPro LED Floodlights
©SportPro LED 2019



Do I need to change the lamps and have them serviced annually ?


There are no lamps to change and the floodlight should last in excess of 50,000 hours. The LED floodlights are maintenance free but we would suggest cleaning the lens and checking the fixing bolts every five years. All SportPro LED floodlights come with a five year warranty.


How many LED floodlights will I need and how much energy will I save ?


It depends upon the size and specification of pitch / court. For example :- A Class 3, 100lux bowling green will require the following :- 8 x SportPro LED 300-30 300w floodlights mounted two per corner on 8m masts. Energy savings:- LED system will use 2.4Kw of electricity HID system will use 4.4Kw of electricity A saving of approximately 45%. A tennis court to minimum LTA requirements of 500lux with a 0.7 uniformity will require the following :- 6 x TennisPro LED 500 floodlights. Energy savings:- LED system will use 3Kw of electricity HID system will use 6.6Kw of electricity A saving of approximately 55%. A football pitch to FA standards of 200lux with a 0.6 uniformity will require the following :- 24 x SportPro LED 1000-20, 1000w floodlights. mounted equally over eight, 15m masts. Energy savings:- LED system will use 24Kw of electricity HID system will use 38.4Kw of electricity A saving of approximately 40%.